A set of two beautiful picture frames with cute sample pictures. I’ve found the design while surfing the web, and searching for something cool to do in Blender.
You’ll probably recognize the girls, first one needs no introduction and the picture is a preview from this great Andrew Price’s blend: blendswap.com/blends/view/66558
Second one was made by Nazar Noschenko, very talented Ukrainian artist, and picture can be found at his art station page: artstation.com/nazarnoschenko
As for the rest of textures that i’ve used:
wood, wall and wallpaper textures are from sketchuptextureclub.com.
brushed material used for pictures bumps is from: pinterest.co.uk/pin/179229260150452725/
Environment texture can be found here: paradiseridgehomes.com/new-listing-3250-tomer-road-moscow/
And the frames themselves are available at shop.loriwhitlock.com/2-fancy-frames/