A library file containing around 170 low-poly Sci-Fi meshes.
These are intended for instancing in large numbers to create things like spaceships/stations.
All the models are UV unwrapped but some have overlapping UVs as the objects are intended for tilable textures.
Note that the preview image only show a few.
About the licencing, why the non-commercial restriction?
The reason is that some objects are either made in 3D-Coat or UV unwrapped in that program.
Since I only own the Consumer licenced version of 3d-Coat which prohibits commerial use of assets created there.
I can not release this under any other licence, sorry.
(Also I can not imagine anyone using this other then to create images for hobby use)
The following instructions are for users that have not used instancing in blender before.
How to use:
Append the objects you want to your file to a separate layer(Shift+F1).
I use layer 11 for this as it is a fast keyboard shortcut, ALT+1.
The objects are arranged by parenting them to empties so to reduce the clutter in the outliner.
By CTRL+click the eye icon in the outliner you can toggle visibility of all the children so to easily check the various objet classes.
When you have found an object that you want to use instance it using ALT+D.
The reason for not using Shift+D is that you save memory by not duplicating the meshdata.
Then remove the parent link by pressing ALT+P and select Clear Parent, might want to keep transform if you want.
Then move the object to your main construction layer by pressing M and a number or click the box for the layer you want it on.
Now just repeat that untill you have built the structure you want.
Obviously you only need to do the unparenting/layer move once, then just duplicate it on the construction layer.
I recomend to do a base structure using box modeling or whatever method you are comfortable with and then “dress” or “coat” it with instanced geometry.
Modifiers work on a per instance basis so using a lattice or simple deform for example, only deform that instance and any instances you spawn from that one.
As long as you do not collapse the stack this will work, have even done booleans.
Have fun with this.
If there is a good response to this I will keep updating it from time to time when thre are enough new objects.