620 Bones later, Lion fish, Blend file included This is a Lion fish I modeled so I could practice rigging. I think it will be fun to animate so I put it here. I want to become a ‘Rigger’ So i set myself the task of rigging a ‘Lion Fish’. After 40 minutes modelling and 1 week rigging I have added 620 bones and halve a dozen drivers plus about 40 custom bone shapes.
This was a practice to get into professional rigging, and though there are a few missing constraints and MAINLY a few looped rotation/locations which should have been avoided though I think it works well enough for functionality and I have learnt a lot on the way, Thank you to Kent Trammel, I should have watched the Piero Course before starting my rig not after.
These are the bones.
What I have added is…
There is a switch (driver) to control the tips of the fins freely
There is another driver to focus the eyes by scaling the eye locator on the x axis
There is a cloth simulator and a Wind force to simulate water passing over the Fins
What I have not done is…
Textures and UV Map
Splines (which I probably should have used instead of IK’s)
Detailed Model (This was rigging practice)
An FK / IK switch Driver (I thought there is enough control at the moment considering the animator)
I Just thought this might be good fun to animateThough some bones should be parented better
I just finished as it is before I start my next project. Let me know if you would like me to update it for you, I can add more individual bone controls, fix the mesh or add better driver. Or just fix some parenting loops and constraints loops.
PLEASE give back constructive criticism, I would like to become a good rigger. I have my own youtube channel and would like to start contributing more to blendswap. My username is facingbook.Thankyou blendswap and kent trammell and the CG cookie website for helping me developAdam Nowak
Contact me via facingbook@hotmail.com
Edited May 6 2014 – Updated .blend File
(Added an animation loop, fixed some skinning issues fixed a few parenting issues and constraint issues)
Edited May 9 2014 – Updated .blend file
(Fixed modifier stack)