Recumbent lion (colored reconstruction), Nye Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta (now Remake) from AutoDesk. Reconstruction colored from original (
The point of departure for the reconstruction is the discovery of traces of colour on the two original lion statues: red colour on the tongue and lips as well as microscopic traces of blue azurite on the mane and yellowish-brown ochre on the hide. The other colours must remain a hypothesis, but are to be found on other Archaic lions. The pigments used correspond to those on the original figures.
Reconstruction of cat. no. 1 Plaster and historical pigments Sculpture restored by Peter Funder Polychromy reconstructed by Ulrike Koch~Brinkmann and Vinzenz Brinkmann Mnchen 2003 Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek lN 1296a.
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