
Sexy-ish (I hope) anime character, simple textures + materials, custom rig incl. facial bones, with rigid body physics, multiple clothing configurations, drivers for simplified switching between parameters. Load with auto-run scripts or it won’t look right 🙂

This is my first fully original character model (as opposed to ones where I’ve edited other people’s meshes) and represents a whole lot of other Blender firsts for me as well. See the included text for notes on usage.

I come to Blender from MikuMikuDance and the great MMD modellers like Kakomiki and Tda have been a huge inspiration for me. Azusa has an optional read-from rig that allows you to load canned MMD animations onto her via the mmd_tools plugin, which is available at https://github.com/powroupi/blender_mmd_tools .

Although I’m aware of a hundred problems with her, I appreciate any criticism, as it helps me to prioritize fixes– sometimes I get too lost in tiny, unimportant issues. I’m also grateful for any positive remarks, as they keep me motivated and help me through the times when it feels like I can’t get anything right. I can keep Azusa updated with easy fixes, but after far too long spent working on her, I’m ready for a new model 🙂

Hope you enjoy her! If you make anything with her, it would mean a lot to me if you linked in the comments!

0404 Azusa preview image 1

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